Package: base/frameworks/logging/postprocessors

Support for postprocessors in the logging framework.



This script defines a postprocessing function that can be applied to a logging filter in order to automatically SCP (secure copy) a log stream (or a subset of it) to a remote host at configurable rotation time intervals. Generally, to use this functionality you must handle the zeek_init event and do the following in your handler:

  1. Create a new Log::Filter record that defines a name/path, rotation interval, and set the postprocessor to Log::scp_postprocessor.

  2. Add the filter to a logging stream using Log::add_filter.

  3. Add a table entry to Log::scp_destinations for the filter’s writer/path pair which defines a set of Log::SCPDestination records.


This script defines a postprocessing function that can be applied to a logging filter in order to automatically SFTP a log stream (or a subset of it) to a remote host at configurable rotation time intervals. Generally, to use this functionality you must handle the zeek_init event and do the following in your handler:

  1. Create a new Log::Filter record that defines a name/path, rotation interval, and set the postprocessor to Log::sftp_postprocessor.

  2. Add the filter to a logging stream using Log::add_filter.

  3. Add a table entry to Log::sftp_destinations for the filter’s writer/path pair which defines a set of Log::SFTPDestination records.