

Base DNS analysis script which tracks and logs DNS queries along with their responses.




base/protocols/conn/removal-hooks.zeek, base/protocols/dns/consts.zeek, base/utils/queue.zeek


Runtime Options

DNS::max_pending_msgs: count &redef

Give up trying to match pending DNS queries or replies for a given query/transaction ID once this number of unmatched queries or replies is reached (this shouldn’t happen unless either the DNS server/resolver is broken, Zeek is not seeing all the DNS traffic, or an AXFR query response is ongoing).

DNS::max_pending_query_ids: count &redef

Give up trying to match pending DNS queries or replies across all query/transaction IDs once there is at least one unmatched query or reply across this number of different query IDs.


DNS::Info: record

The record type which contains the column fields of the DNS log.

DNS::PendingMessages: table

Yields a queue of DNS::Info objects for a given DNS message query/transaction ID.

DNS::State: record

A record type which tracks the status of DNS queries for a given connection.


Log::ID: enum

The DNS logging stream identifier.

connection: record

New Fields:


dns: DNS::Info &optional

dns_state: DNS::State &optional

likely_server_ports: set &redef


DNS::log_dns: event

An event that can be handled to access the DNS::Info record as it is sent to the logging framework.


DNS::do_reply: hook

This is called by the specific dns_*_reply events with a “reply” which may not represent the full data available from the resource record, but it’s generally considered a summarization of the responses.

DNS::finalize_dns: Conn::RemovalHook

DNS finalization hook.

DNS::log_policy: Log::PolicyHook

A default logging policy hook for the stream.

DNS::set_session: hook

A hook that is called whenever a session is being set.

Detailed Interface

Runtime Options







Give up trying to match pending DNS queries or replies for a given query/transaction ID once this number of unmatched queries or replies is reached (this shouldn’t happen unless either the DNS server/resolver is broken, Zeek is not seeing all the DNS traffic, or an AXFR query response is ongoing).







Give up trying to match pending DNS queries or replies across all query/transaction IDs once there is at least one unmatched query or reply across this number of different query IDs.




ts: time &log

The earliest time at which a DNS protocol message over the associated connection is observed.

uid: string &log

A unique identifier of the connection over which DNS messages are being transferred.

id: conn_id &log

The connection’s 4-tuple of endpoint addresses/ports.

proto: transport_proto &log

The transport layer protocol of the connection.

trans_id: count &log &optional

A 16-bit identifier assigned by the program that generated the DNS query. Also used in responses to match up replies to outstanding queries.

rtt: interval &log &optional

Round trip time for the query and response. This indicates the delay between when the request was seen until the answer started.

query: string &log &optional

The domain name that is the subject of the DNS query.

qclass: count &log &optional

The QCLASS value specifying the class of the query.

qclass_name: string &log &optional

A descriptive name for the class of the query.

qtype: count &log &optional

A QTYPE value specifying the type of the query.

qtype_name: string &log &optional

A descriptive name for the type of the query.

rcode: count &log &optional

The response code value in DNS response messages.

rcode_name: string &log &optional

A descriptive name for the response code value.

AA: bool &log &default = F &optional

The Authoritative Answer bit for response messages specifies that the responding name server is an authority for the domain name in the question section.

TC: bool &log &default = F &optional

The Truncation bit specifies that the message was truncated.

RD: bool &log &default = F &optional

The Recursion Desired bit in a request message indicates that the client wants recursive service for this query.

RA: bool &log &default = F &optional

The Recursion Available bit in a response message indicates that the name server supports recursive queries.

Z: count &log &default = 0 &optional

A reserved field that is zero in queries and responses unless using DNSSEC. This field represents the 3-bit Z field using the specification from RFC 1035.

answers: vector of string &log &optional

The set of resource descriptions in the query answer.

TTLs: vector of interval &log &optional

The caching intervals of the associated RRs described by the answers field.

rejected: bool &log &default = F &optional

The DNS query was rejected by the server.

total_answers: count &optional

The total number of resource records in a reply message’s answer section.

total_replies: count &optional

The total number of resource records in a reply message’s answer, authority, and additional sections.

saw_query: bool &default = F &optional

Whether the full DNS query has been seen.

saw_reply: bool &default = F &optional

Whether the full DNS reply has been seen.

auth: set [string] &log &optional

(present if policy/protocols/dns/auth-addl.zeek is loaded)

Authoritative responses for the query.

addl: set [string] &log &optional

(present if policy/protocols/dns/auth-addl.zeek is loaded)

Additional responses for the query.

original_query: string &log &optional

(present if policy/protocols/dns/log-original-query-case.zeek is loaded)

Query with original letter casing

The record type which contains the column fields of the DNS log.


table [count] of Queue::Queue

Yields a queue of DNS::Info objects for a given DNS message query/transaction ID.



pending_query: DNS::Info &optional

A single query that hasn’t been matched with a response yet. Note this is maintained separate from the pending_queries field solely for performance reasons – it’s possible that pending_queries contains further queries for which a response has not yet been seen, even for the same transaction ID.

pending_queries: DNS::PendingMessages &optional

Indexed by query id, returns Info record corresponding to queries that haven’t been matched with a response yet.

pending_replies: DNS::PendingMessages &optional

Indexed by query id, returns Info record corresponding to replies that haven’t been matched with a query yet.

A record type which tracks the status of DNS queries for a given connection.



event (rec: DNS::Info)

An event that can be handled to access the DNS::Info record as it is sent to the logging framework.



hook (c: connection, msg: dns_msg, ans: dns_answer, reply: string) : bool

This is called by the specific dns_*_reply events with a “reply” which may not represent the full data available from the resource record, but it’s generally considered a summarization of the responses.

  • c – The connection record for which to fill in DNS reply data.

  • msg – The DNS message header information for the response.

  • ans – The general information of a RR response.

  • reply – The specific response information according to RR type/class.



DNS finalization hook. Remaining DNS info may get logged when it’s called.



A default logging policy hook for the stream.


hook (c: connection, msg: dns_msg, is_query: bool) : bool

A hook that is called whenever a session is being set. This can be used if additional initialization logic needs to happen when creating a new session value.

  • c – The connection involved in the new session.

  • msg – The DNS message header information.

  • is_query – Indicator for if this is being called for a query or a response.