- DumpEvents
This script dumps the events that Zeek raises out to standard output in a readable form. This is for debugging only and allows to understand events and their parameters as Zeek processes input. Note that it will show only events for which a handler is defined.
- Namespace
Runtime Options
Only include events matching the given pattern into output. |
If true, include event arguments in output. |
Redefinable Options
By default, only events that are handled in a script are dumped. |
Detailed Interface
Runtime Options
- DumpEvents::include
Only include events matching the given pattern into output. By default, the pattern matches all events.
- DumpEvents::include_args
If true, include event arguments in output.
Redefinable Options
- DumpEvents::dump_all_events
By default, only events that are handled in a script are dumped. Setting this option to true will cause unhandled events to be dumped too.