Declarations and Statements

The Zeek scripting language supports the following declarations and statements.


Declarations cannot occur within a function, hook, or event handler.

Declarations must appear before any statements (except those statements that are in a function, hook, or event handler) in the concatenation of all loaded Zeek scripts.




Change the current module


Export identifiers from the current module


Declare a global variable


Declare a constant


Declare a configuration option


Declare a user-defined type


Redefine a global value or extend a user-defined type


Declare a function, event handler, or hook


The module keyword is used to change the current module. This affects the scope of any subsequently declared global identifiers.


module mymodule;

If a global identifier is declared after a module declaration, then its scope ends at the end of the current Zeek script or at the next module declaration, whichever comes first. However, if a global identifier is declared after a module declaration, but inside an export block, then its scope ends at the end of the last loaded Zeek script, but it must be referenced using the namespace operator (::) in other modules.

There can be any number of module declarations in a Zeek script. The same module declaration can appear in any number of different Zeek scripts.


An export block contains one or more declarations (no statements are allowed in an export block) that the current module is exporting. This enables these global identifiers to be visible in other modules (but not prior to their declaration) via the namespace operator (::). See the module keyword for a more detailed explanation.


export {
    redef enum Log::ID += { LOG };

    type Info: record {
        ts: time &log;
        uid: string &log;

    const conntime = 30sec &redef;

Note that the braces in an export block are always required (they do not indicate a compound statement). Also, no semicolon is needed to terminate an export block.


Variables declared with the global keyword will have global scope.

If a type is not specified, then an initializer is required so that the type can be inferred. Likewise, if an initializer is not supplied, then the type must be specified. In some cases, when the type cannot be correctly inferred, the type must be specified even when an initializer is present. Example:

global pi = 3.14;
global hosts: set[addr];
global ciphers: table[string] of string = table();

Variable declarations outside of any function, hook, or event handler are required to use this keyword (unless they are declared with the const keyword instead).

Definitions of functions, hooks, and event handlers are not allowed to use the global keyword. However, function declarations (i.e., no function body is provided) can use the global keyword.

The scope of a global variable begins where the declaration is located, and extends through all remaining Zeek scripts that are loaded (however, see the module keyword for an explanation of how modules change the visibility of global identifiers).


A variable declared with the const keyword will be constant.

Variables declared as constant are required to be initialized at the time of declaration. Normally, the type is inferred from the initializer, but the type can be explicitly specified. Example:

const pi = 3.14;
const ssh_port: port = 22/tcp;

The value of a constant cannot be changed. The only exception is if the variable is a global constant and has the &redef attribute, but even then its value can be changed only with a redef.

The scope of a constant is local if the declaration is in a function, hook, or event handler, and global otherwise.

Note that the const keyword cannot be used with either the local or global keywords (i.e., const is an alternative to either local or global).


A variable declared with the option keyword is a configuration option.

Options are required to be initialized at the time of declaration. Normally, the type is inferred from the initializer, but the type can be explicitly specified. Example:

option hostname = "host-1";
option peers: set[addr] = {};

The initial value can be redefined with a redef.

The value of an option cannot be changed by an assignment statement, but it can be changed by either the Config::set_value function or by changing a config file specified in Config::config_files.

The scope of an option is global.

Note that an option declaration cannot also use the local, global, or const keywords.


The type keyword is used to declare a user-defined type. The name of this new type has global scope and can be used anywhere a built-in type name can occur.

The type keyword is most commonly used when defining a record or an enum, but is also useful when dealing with more complex types.


type mytype: table[count] of table[addr, port] of string;
global myvar: mytype;


There are several ways that redef can be used: to redefine the initial value of a global variable or runtime option, to extend a record type or enum type, or to specify a new event handler body that replaces all those that were previously defined.

If you’re using redef to redefine the initial value of a global variable (defined using either const or global), then the variable that you want to change must have the &redef attribute. You can use redef to redefine the initial value of a runtime option (defined using option) even if it doesn’t have the &redef attribute.

If the variable you’re changing is a table, set, vector, or pattern, you can use += to add new elements, or you can use = to specify a new value (all previous contents of the object are removed). If the variable you’re changing is a set or table, then you can use the -= operator to remove the specified elements (nothing happens for specified elements that don’t exist). If the variable you are changing is not a table, set, or pattern, then you must use the = operator.


redef pi = 3.14;
redef set_of_ports += { 22/tcp, 53/udp };

If you’re using redef to extend a record or enum, then you must use the += assignment operator. For an enum, you can add more enumeration constants, and for a record you can add more record fields (however, each record field in the redef must have either the &optional or &default attribute).


redef enum color += { Blue, Red };
redef record MyRecord += { n2:int &optional; s2:string &optional; };

If you’re using redef to specify a new event handler body that replaces all those that were previously defined (i.e., any subsequently defined event handler body will not be affected by this redef), then the syntax is the same as a regular event handler definition except for the presence of the redef keyword.


redef event myevent(s:string) { print "Redefined", s; }

Function Flavors

For details on how to declare a function, event handler, or hook, see the documentation for those types.


Statements (except those contained within a function, hook, or event handler) can appear only after all global declarations in the concatenation of all loaded Zeek scripts.

Each statement in a Zeek script must be terminated with a semicolon (with a few exceptions noted below). An individual statement can span multiple lines.

Here are the statements that the Zeek scripting language supports.




Declare a local variable

add, delete

Add or delete elements


Print to stdout or a file

for, while, next, break

Loop over each element in a container object (for), or as long as a condition evaluates to true (while).


Evaluate boolean and if true, execute a statement

switch, break, fallthrough

Evaluate expression and execute statement with a matching value


Asynchronous execution

event, schedule

Invoke or schedule an event handler


Return from function, hook, or event handler


The add statement is used to add an element to a set. Nothing happens if the specified element already exists in the set.


local myset: set[string];
add myset["test"];


The break statement is used to break out of a switch, for, or while statement.


The delete statement is used to remove an element from a set or table, or to remove a value from a record field that has the &optional attribute. When attempting to remove an element from a set or table, nothing happens if the specified index does not exist. When attempting to remove a value from an &optional record field, nothing happens if that field doesn’t have a value.


local myset = set("this", "test");
local mytable = table(["key1"] = 80/tcp, ["key2"] = 53/udp);
local myrec = MyRecordType($a = 1, $b = 2);

delete myset["test"];
delete mytable["key1"];

# In this example, "b" must have the "&optional" attribute
delete myrec$b;


The event statement immediately queues invocation of an event handler.


event myevent("test", 5);


The fallthrough statement can be used within a case block to indicate that execution should continue at the next case or default label.

For an example, see the switch statement.


A for loop iterates over each element in a string, set, vector, or table and executes a statement for each iteration (note that the order in which the loop iterates over the elements in a set or a table is nondeterministic). However, no loop iterations occur if the string, set, vector, or table is empty.

For each iteration of the loop, a loop variable will be assigned to an element if the expression evaluates to a string or set, or an index if the expression evaluates to a vector or table. Then the statement is executed.

If the expression is a table or a set with more than one index, then the loop variable must be specified as a comma-separated list of different loop variables (one for each index), enclosed in brackets.

If the expression is a table, keys and values can be iterated over at the same time by specifying a key and value variable. The core exposes value variables for free, so this should be preferred to accessing the values in a separate lookup inside the loop.

Note that the loop variable in a for statement is not allowed to be a global variable, and it does not need to be declared prior to the for statement. The type will be inferred from the elements of the expression.

Currently, modifying a container’s membership while iterating over it may result in undefined behavior, so do not add or remove elements inside the loop.

A break statement will immediately terminate the for loop, and a next statement will skip to the next loop iteration.


local myset = set(80/tcp, 81/tcp);
local mytable = table([, 80/tcp]="s1", [, 81/tcp]="s2");

for ( p in myset )
    print p;

for ( [i,j], val in mytable )
    if (val == "done")
    if (val == "skip")
    print i,j;


Evaluates a given expression, which must yield a bool value. If true, then a specified statement is executed. If false, then the statement is not executed. Example:

if ( x == 2 ) print "x is 2";

However, if the expression evaluates to false and if an else is provided, then the statement following the else is executed. Example:

if ( x == 2 )
    print "x is 2";
    print "x is not 2";


A variable declared with the local keyword will be local. If a type is not specified, then an initializer is required so that the type can be inferred. Likewise, if an initializer is not supplied, then the type must be specified.


local x1 = 5.7;
local x2: double;
local x3: double = 5.7;

Variable declarations inside a function, hook, or event handler are required to use this keyword (the only two exceptions are variables declared with const, and variables implicitly declared in a for statement).

The scope of a local variable starts at the location where it is declared and persists to the end of the function, hook, or event handler in which it is declared (this is true even if the local variable was declared within a compound statement or is the loop variable in a for statement).


The print statement takes a comma-separated list of one or more expressions. Each expression in the list is evaluated and then converted to a string. Then each string is printed, with each string separated by a comma in the output.


print 3.14;
print "Results", x, y;

By default, the print statement writes to the standard output (stdout). However, if the first expression is of type file, then print writes to that file.

If a string contains non-printable characters (i.e., byte values that are not in the range 32 - 126), then the print statement converts each non-printable character to an escape sequence before it is printed.

For more control over how the strings are formatted, see the fmt function.


The return statement immediately exits the current function, hook, or event handler. For a function, the specified expression (if any) is evaluated and returned. A return statement in a hook or event handler cannot return a value because event handlers and hooks do not have return types.


function my_func(): string
    return "done";

event my_event(n: count)
    if ( n == 0 ) return;

    print n;

There is a special form of the return statement that is only allowed in functions. Syntactically, it looks like a when statement immediately preceded by the return keyword. This form of the return statement is used to specify a function that delays its result (such a function can only be called in the expression of a when statement). The function returns at the time the when statement’s condition becomes true, and the function returns the value that the when statement’s body returns (or if the condition does not become true within the specified timeout interval, then the function returns the value that the timeout block returns).


global X: table[string] of count;

function a() : count
      # This delays until condition becomes true.
      return when ( "a" in X )
            return X["a"];
      timeout 30 sec
            return 0;

event zeek_init()
      # Installs a trigger which fires if a() returns 42.
      when ( a() == 42 )
          print "expected result";

      print "Waiting for a() to return...";
      X["a"] = 42;


The schedule statement is used to raise a specified event with specified parameters at a later time specified as an interval.


schedule 30sec { myevent(x, y, z) };

Note that the braces are always required (they do not indicate a compound statement).

Note that schedule is actually an expression that returns a value of type timer, but in practice the return value is not used.


Using schedule within zeek_init does not usually have the desired behavior – since network_time is not yet initialized, the scheduled event may be dispatched upon processing the first network packet since that will update network-time from zero to the time associated with capturing that packet. A typical workaround is to ignore the first time such an event is dispatched and simply re-schedule it or to instead schedule the first event from within the network_time_init event.


A switch statement evaluates a given expression and jumps to the first case label which contains a matching value (the result of the expression must be type-compatible with all of the values in all of the case labels). If there is no matching value, then execution jumps to the default label instead, and if there is no default label then execution jumps out of the switch block.

Here is an example (assuming that get_day_of_week is a function that returns a string):

switch get_day_of_week() {
    case "Sa", "Su":
        print "weekend";
    case "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr":
        print "valid result";
        print "invalid result";

A switch block can have any number of case labels, and one optional default label.

A case label can have a comma-separated list of more than one value. A value in a case label can be an expression, but it must be a constant expression (i.e., the expression can consist only of constants).

Each case and the default block must end with either a break, fallthrough, or return statement (although return is allowed only if the switch statement is inside a function, hook, or event handler).

Note that the braces in a switch statement are always required (these do not indicate the presence of a compound statement), and that no semicolon is needed at the end of a switch statement.

There is an alternative form of the switch statement that supports switching by type rather than value. This form of the switch statement uses type-based versions of case:

  • case type t: ...: Take branch if the value of the switch expression could be casted to type t (where t is the name of a Zeek script type, either built-in or user-defined).

  • case type t as x: ...: Same as above, but the casted value is available through ID x.

Multiple types can be listed per branch, separated by commas (the type keyword must be repeated for each type in the list).


function example(v: any)
    switch (v) {
    case type count as c:
            print "It's a count", c;

    case type bool, type addr:
            print "It's a bool or address";

Note that a single switch statement switches either by type or by value, but not both.

Also note that the type-based switch statement will trigger a runtime error if any cast in any case is an unsupported cast (see the documentation of the type casting operator as).

A type-casting case block is also not allowed to use a fallthrough statement since that could generally mean entering another type-casting block. That is, the switched-upon value could get cast to at least two different types, which is not a valid possibility.


Evaluates a given expression, which must result in a value of type bool. When the value of the expression becomes available and if the result is true, then a specified statement is executed.

In the following example, if the expression evaluates to true, then the print statement is executed:

when ( (local x = foo()) && x == 42 )
    print x;

However, if a timeout is specified, and if the expression does not evaluate to true within the specified timeout interval, then the statement following the timeout keyword is executed:

when ( (local x = foo()) && x == 42 )
    print x;
timeout 5sec
    print "timeout";

Note that when a timeout is specified the braces are always required (these do not indicate a compound statement).

The expression in a when statement can contain a declaration of a local variable but only if the declaration is written in the form local *var* = *init* (example: local x = myfunction()). This form of a local declaration is actually an expression, the result of which is always a boolean true value.

The expression in a when statement can contain an asynchronous function call such as lookup_hostname (in fact, this is the only place such a function can be called), but it can also contain an ordinary function call. When an asynchronous function call is in the expression, then Zeek will continue processing statements in the script following the when statement, and when the result of the function call is available Zeek will finish evaluating the expression in the when statement. See the return statement for an explanation of how to create an asynchronous function in a Zeek script.


A while loop iterates over a body statement as long as a given condition remains true.

A break statement can be used at any time to immediately terminate the while loop, and a next statement can be used to skip to the next loop iteration.


local i = 0;

while ( i < 5 )
    print ++i;

while ( some_cond() )
    local finish_up = F;

    if ( skip_ahead() )

    if ( finish_up )

Compound Statement

A compound statement is created by wrapping zero or more statements in braces { }. Individual statements inside the braces need to be terminated by a semicolon, but a semicolon is not needed at the end (outside of the braces) of a compound statement.

A compound statement is required in order to execute more than one statement in the body of a for, while, if, or when statement.


if ( x == 2 )
    print "x is 2";

Note that there are other places in the Zeek scripting language that use braces, but that do not indicate the presence of a compound statement (these are noted in the documentation).

Null Statement

The null statement (executing it has no effect) consists of just a semicolon. This might be useful during testing or debugging a Zeek script in places where a statement is required, but it is probably not useful otherwise.


if ( x == 2 )