5.2.1. Identifiers

Spicy distinguishes between different kinds of identifiers:

Identifiers used in declarations of variables, types, functions, etc., must start with a letter or underscore, and otherwise contain only alphanumerical characters and underscores. They must not start with two underscores, and cannot match any of Spicy’s built-in keywords.
Identifiers augmenting other language elements with additional attributes always begin with &. They otherwise follow the same rules as identifiers for declarations, except that they also permit dashes. Note that you cannot define your own attributes; usage is limited to a set of predefined options.
Identifiers defining properties of modules and types (as in, e.g., Meta data) always begin with %. They otherwise follow the same rules as identifiers for declarations, except that they also permit dashes. Note that you cannot define your own properties; usage is limited to a set of predefined options.

Identifiers are always case-sensitive in Spicy.