1. Overview

The Broker library enables applications to communicate in Zeek’s type-rich data model via publish/subscribe messaging. Moreover, Broker offers distributed key-value stores to facilitate unified data management and persistence.

The figure below introduces the graphic terminology we use throughout this manual.


Moreover, all C++ code examples assume using namespace broker for conciseness.

1.1. Communication

Broker structures an application in terms of endpoints, which represent data senders and receivers. Endpoints can peer with other endpoints to communicate with their neighbors. An endpoint can send a message to its peers by publishing data under a specific topic. If any endpoint holds a subscription to the topic, it will receive the corresponding data.

Endpoints can efficiently communicate within the same OS process, as well as transparently communicate with endpoints in a different OS process or on a remote machine. For in-memory endpoints, sending a message boils down to passing a pointer. For remote communication, Broker serializes messages transparently. This allows for a variety of different communication patterns. The following figure illustrates an exemplary topology.


A process hosts one or more endpoints. Endpoints can communicate within or across processes as well as machine boundaries.

The fundamental unit of exchange is a message, which consists of a topic and data. Endpoints may choose to forward received messages to their own peers that share a matching topic.

The API allows for both synchronous and asynchronous communication. Internally, Broker operates entirely asynchronously by leveraging the C++ Actor Framework (CAF). Users can receive messages either explicitly polling for them, or by installing a callback to execute as they come in.

See Section 2 for concrete usage examples.

1.2. Data Model

Broker comes with a rich data model, since the library’s primary objective involves communication with Zeek and related applications. The fundamental unit of communication is data, which can hold any of the following concrete types:

  • none

  • boolean

  • count

  • integer

  • real

  • timespan

  • timestamp

  • string

  • address

  • subnet

  • port

  • vector

  • set

  • table

Section 3 discusses the various types and their API in depth.

From these data units, one then composes messages to be exchanged. Broker does generally not impose any further structure on messages, it’s up to sender and receiver to agree. For communication with Zeek, however, Broker provides an additional event abstraction that defines the specific message layout that Zeek expects for exchanging Zeek events.

1.3. Data Stores

Data stores complement endpoint communication with a distributed key-value abstraction operating in the full data model. One can attach one or more data stores to an endpoint. A data store has a frontend, which determines its behavior, and a backend, which represents the type of database for storing data. There exist two types of frontends: master and clone. A master is the authoritative source for the key-value store, whereas a clone represents a local cache. Only the master can perform mutating operations on the store, which it then pushes to all its clones over the existing peering communication channel. A clone has a full copy of the data for faster access, but transparently sends any modifying operations to its master first. Only when the master propagates back the change, the result of the operation becomes visible at the clone. The figure below illustrates how one can deploy a master with several clones.


Each data store has a name that identifies the master. This name must be unique among the endpoint’s peers. The master can choose to keep its data in various backends, which are currently: in-memory and SQLite.

Section 4 illustrates how to use data stores in different settings.

1.4. Troubleshooting

By default, Broker keeps console output to a minimum. When running a Broker cluster, this bare minimum may omit too much information for troubleshooting.

Users can enable more output either by setting environment variables or by providing a broker.conf file. Custom Broker appliations also may support passing command line arguments (Zeek does not forward command line arguments to Broker).

In order to get a high-level view of what Broker is doing internally, we recommend setting:


Settings this environment variable before running Zeek (or any other Broker application) prints high-level events such as new network connections, peering requests, etc. The runtime cost of enabling this option and the volume of printed lines is moderate.

Troubleshooting a Broker application (or Zeek scripts that communicate over Broker) sometimes requires tapping into the exchanged messages directly. Setting the verbosity to debug instead will provide such details:


Note that using this verbosity level will slow down Broker and produce a high volume of printed output.

Setting BROKER_FILE_VERBOSITY instead (or in addition) causes Broker to print the output to a file. This is particularly useful when troubleshooting a cluster, since it allows to run a test setup first and then collect all files for the analysis.

The file output is also more detailed than the console output, as it includes information such as source file locations, timestamps, and functions names.

In case setting environment variables is impossible or file-based configuration is simply more convenient, creating a file called broker.conf in the working directory of the application (before running it) provides an alternative way of configuring Broker.

A minimal configuration file that sets console and file verbosity looks like this:

logger {
  ; note the single quotes!
  console-verbosity = 'info'
  file-verbosity = 'debug'

The environment variables take precedence over configuration file entries (but command line arguments have the highest priority).

Broker is based on CAF, so experienced users can also use the broker.conf to tweak various settings. Making use of advanced features is most helpful for developers that contribute to Broker’s CAF-based C++ source code. For seeing the “full picture”, including CAF log output, developers can build CAF with log level debug or trace (either by calling configure --with-log-level=LVL or passing CAF_LOG_LEVEL=LVL to CMake directly when using the embedded CAF version) and add the entry component-blacklist = [] to the logger section of the broker.conf file.