Broker Communication Framework

Zeek now uses the Broker Library to exchange information with other Zeek processes. Broker itself uses CAF (C++ Actor Framework) internally for connecting nodes and exchanging arbitrary data over networks. Broker then introduces, on top of CAF, a topic-based publish/subscribe communication pattern using a data model that is compatible to Zeek’s. Broker itself can be utilized outside the context of Zeek, with Zeek itself making use of only a few predefined Broker message formats that represent Zeek events, log entries, etc.

In summary, the Zeek’s Broker framework provides basic facilities for connecting broker-enabled peers (e.g. Zeek instances) to each other and exchanging messages (e.g. events and logs).

Cluster Layout / API

Layout / Topology

  • Each worker node connects to all proxies.

  • All node types connect to all logger nodes and the manager node.


Some general suggestions as to the purpose/utilization of each node type:

  • Workers: are a good first choice for doing the brunt of any work you need done. They should be spending a lot of time performing the actual job of parsing/analyzing incoming data from packets, so you might choose to look at them as doing a “first pass” analysis and then deciding how the results should be shared with other nodes in the cluster.

  • Proxies: serve as intermediaries for data storage and work/calculation offloading. Good for helping offload work or data in a scalable and distributed way. Since any given worker is connected to all proxies and can agree on an “arbitrary key -> proxy node” mapping (more on that later), you can partition work or data amongst them in a uniform manner. e.g. you might choose to use proxies as a method of sharing non-persistent state or as a “second pass” analysis for any work that you don’t want interfering with the workers’ capacity to keep up with capturing and parsing packets. Note that the default scripts that come with Zeek make minimal use of proxies, so if you are coming from a previous ZeekControl deployment, you may want to try reducing down to a single proxy node. If you come to have custom/community scripts that utilize proxies, that would be the time to start considering scaling up the number of proxies to meet demands.

  • Manager: this node will be good at performing decisions that require a global view of things since it is in a centralized location, connected to everything. However, that also makes it easy to overload, so try to use it sparingly and only for tasks that must be done in a centralized or authoritative location. Optionally, for some deployments, the Manager can also serve as the sole Logger.

  • Loggers: these nodes should simply be spending their time writing out logs to disk and not used for much else. In the default cluster configuration, logs get distributed among available loggers in a round-robin fashion, providing failover capability should any given logger temporarily go offline.

Data Management/Sharing Strategies

There’s maybe no single, best approach or pattern to use when you need a Zeek script to store or share long-term state and data. The two approaches that were previously used were either using the &synchronized attribute on tables/sets or by explicitly sending events to specific nodes on which you wanted data to be stored. The former is no longer possible, though there are several new possibilities that the new Broker/Cluster framework offer, namely distributed data store and data partitioning APIs.

Data Stores

Broker provides a distributed key-value store interface with optional choice of using a persistent backend. For more detail, see this example.

Some ideas/considerations/scenarios when deciding whether to use a data store for your use-case:

  • If you need the full data set locally in order to achieve low-latency queries using data store “clones” can provide that.

  • If you need data that persists across restarts of Zeek processes, then data stores can also provide that.

  • If the data you want to store is complex (tables, sets, records) or you expect to read, modify, and store back, then data stores may not be able to provide simple, race-free methods of performing the pattern of logic that you want.

  • If the data set you want to store is excessively large, that’s still problematic even for stores that use a persistent backend as they are implemented in a way that requires a full snapshot of the store’s contents to fit in memory (this limitation may change in the future).

Data Partitioning

New data partitioning strategies are available using the API in base/frameworks/cluster/pools.zeek. Using that API, developers of custom Zeek scripts can define a custom pool of nodes that best fits the needs of their script.

One example strategy is to use Highest Random Weight (HRW) hashing to partition data tables amongst the pool of all proxy nodes. e.g. using Cluster::publish_hrw. This could allow clusters to be scaled more easily than the approach of “the entire data set gets synchronized to all nodes” as the solution to memory limitations becomes “just add another proxy node”. It may also take away some of the messaging load that used to be required to synchronize data sets across all nodes.

The tradeoff of this approach, is that nodes that leave the pool (due to crashing, etc.) cause a temporary gap in the total data set until workers start hashing keys to a new proxy node that is still alive, causing data to now be located and updated there.

If the developer of a script expects its workload to be particularly intensive, wants to ensure that their operations get exclusive access to nodes, or otherwise set constraints on the number of nodes within a pool utilized by their script, then the Cluster::PoolSpec structure will allow them to do that while still allowing users of that script to override the default suggestions made by the original developer.

Broker Framework Examples

The broker framework provides basic facilities for connecting Zeek instances to each other and exchanging messages, like events or logs.

See base/frameworks/broker/main.zeek for an overview of the main Broker API.

Topic Naming Conventions

All Broker-based messaging involves two components: the information you want to send (e.g. an event w/ its arguments) along with an associated topic name string. The topic strings are used as a filtering mechanism: Broker uses a publish/subscribe communication pattern where peers advertise interest in topic prefixes and only receive messages which match one of their prefix subscriptions.

Broker itself supports arbitrary topic strings, however Zeek generally follows certain conventions in choosing these topics to help avoid conflicts and generally make them easier to remember.

As a reminder of how topic subscriptions work, subscribers advertise interest in a topic prefix and then receive any messages published by a peer to a topic name that starts with that prefix. E.g. Alice subscribes to the “alice/dogs” prefix, then would receive the following message topics published by Bob:

  • topic “alice/dogs/corgi”

  • topic “alice/dogs”

  • topic “alice/dogsarecool/oratleastilikethem”

Alice would not receive the following message topics published by Bob:

  • topic “alice/cats/siamese”

  • topic “alice/cats”

  • topic “alice/dog”

  • topic “alice”

Note that the topics aren’t required to form a slash-delimited hierarchy, the subscription matching is purely a byte-per-byte prefix comparison.

However, Zeek scripts generally will follow a topic naming hierarchy and any given script will make the topic names it uses apparent via some redef’able constant in its export section. Generally topics that Zeek scripts use will be along the lines of zeek/<namespace>/<specifics> with <namespace> being the script’s module name (in all-undercase). For example, you might expect an imaginary Pretend framework to publish/subscribe using topic names like zeek/pretend/my_cool_event. For scripts that use Broker as a means of cluster-aware analysis, it’s usually sufficient for them to make use of the topics declared by the cluster framework. For scripts that are meant to establish communication flows unrelated to Zeek cluster, new topics are declared (examples being the NetControl and Control frameworks).

For cluster operation, see base/frameworks/cluster/main.zeek for a list of topics that are useful for steering published events to the various node classes. E.g. you have the ability to broadcast to all nodes of a given class (e.g. just workers) or just send to a specific node within a class.

The topic names that logs get published under are a bit nuanced. In the default cluster configuration, they are round-robin published to explicit topic names that identify a single logger. In standalone Zeek processes, logs get published to the topic indicated by Broker::default_log_topic_prefix.

For those writing their own scripts which need new topic names, a suggestion would be to avoid prefixing any new topics/prefixes with zeek/ as any changes in scripts shipping with Zeek will use that prefix and it’s better to not risk unintended conflicts. Again, it’s often less confusing to just re-use existing topic names instead of introducing new topic names. The typical use case is writing a cluster-enabled script, which usually just needs to route events based upon node classes, and that already has usable topics in the cluster framework.

Connecting to Peers

Zeek can accept incoming connections by calling Broker::listen.

 1redef exit_only_after_terminate = T;
 3event zeek_init()
 4    {
 5    Broker::listen("");
 6    }
 8event Broker::peer_added(endpoint: Broker::EndpointInfo, msg: string)
 9    {
10    print "peer added", endpoint;
11    }
13event Broker::peer_lost(endpoint: Broker::EndpointInfo, msg: string)
14    {
15    print "peer lost", endpoint;
16    terminate();
17    }

Zeek can initiate outgoing connections by calling Broker::peer.

 1redef exit_only_after_terminate = T;
 3event zeek_init()
 4    {
 5    Broker::peer("");
 6    }
 8event Broker::peer_added(endpoint: Broker::EndpointInfo, msg: string)
 9    {
10    print "peer added", endpoint;
11    terminate();
12    }

In either case, connection status updates are monitored via the Broker::peer_added and Broker::peer_lost events.

Remote Events

To receive remote events, you need to first subscribe to a “topic” to which the events are being sent. A topic is just a string chosen by the sender, and named in a way that helps organize events into various categories. See the topic naming conventions section for more on how topics work and are chosen.

Use the Broker::subscribe function to subscribe to topics and define any event handlers for events that peers will send.

 1redef exit_only_after_terminate = T;
 2global msg_count = 0;
 3global my_event: event(msg: string, c: count);
 4global my_auto_event: event(msg: string, c: count);
 6event zeek_init()
 7    {
 8    Broker::subscribe("zeek/event/");
 9    Broker::listen("");
10    }
12event Broker::peer_added(endpoint: Broker::EndpointInfo, msg: string)
13    {
14    print "peer added", endpoint;
15    }
17event my_event(msg: string, c: count)
18    {
19    ++msg_count;
20    print "got my_event", msg, c;
22    if ( msg_count == 5 )
23        terminate();
24    }
26event my_auto_event(msg: string, c: count)
27    {
28    ++msg_count;
29    print "got my_auto_event", msg, c;
31    if ( msg_count == 5 )
32        terminate();
33    }

There are two different ways to send events.

The first is to call the Broker::publish function which you can supply directly with the event and its arguments or give it the return value of Broker::make_event in case you need to send the same event/args multiple times. When publishing events like this, local event handlers for the event are not called.

The second option is to call the Broker::auto_publish function where you specify a particular event that will be automatically sent to peers whenever the event is called locally via the normal event invocation syntax. When auto-publishing events, local event handlers for the event are called in addition to sending the event to any subscribed peers.

 1redef exit_only_after_terminate = T;
 2global my_event: event(msg: string, c: count);
 3global my_auto_event: event(msg: string, c: count);
 5event zeek_init()
 6    {
 7    Broker::peer("");
 8    Broker::auto_publish("zeek/event/my_auto_event", my_auto_event);
 9    }
11event Broker::peer_added(endpoint: Broker::EndpointInfo, msg: string)
12    {
13    print "peer added", endpoint;
14    Broker::publish("zeek/event/my_event", my_event, "hi", 0);
15    event my_auto_event("stuff", 88);
16    Broker::publish("zeek/event/my_event", my_event, "...", 1);
17    event my_auto_event("more stuff", 51);
18    local e = Broker::make_event(my_event, "bye", 2);
19    Broker::publish("zeek/event/my_event", e);
20    }
22event Broker::peer_lost(endpoint: Broker::EndpointInfo, msg: string)
23    {
24    terminate();
25    }
27event my_event(msg: string, c: count)
28    {
29    print "got my_event", msg, c;
30    }
32event my_auto_event(msg: string, c: count)
33    {
34    print "got my_auto_event", msg, c;
35    }

Note that the subscription model is prefix-based, meaning that if you subscribe to the zeek/events topic prefix you would receive events that are published to topic names zeek/events/foo and zeek/events/bar but not zeek/misc.

Remote Logging

 1module Test;
 3export {
 4    redef enum Log::ID += { LOG };
 6    type Info: record {
 7        msg: string &log;
 8        num: count &log;
 9    };
11    global log_test: event(rec: Test::Info);
14event zeek_init() &priority=5
15    {
16    Log::create_stream(Test::LOG, [$columns=Test::Info, $ev=log_test, $path="test"]);
17    }

To toggle remote logs, redef Log::enable_remote_logging. Use the Broker::subscribe function to advertise interest in logs written by peers. The topic names that Zeek uses are determined by Broker::log_topic.

 1@load ./testlog
 3redef exit_only_after_terminate = T;
 5event zeek_init()
 6    {
 7    Broker::subscribe("zeek/logs");
 8    Broker::listen("");
 9    }
11event Broker::peer_added(endpoint: Broker::EndpointInfo, msg: string)
12    {
13    print "peer added", endpoint;
14    }
16event Test::log_test(rec: Test::Info)
17    {
18    print "got log event", rec;
20    if ( rec$num == 5 )
21        terminate();
22    }
 1@load ./testlog
 3redef exit_only_after_terminate = T;
 4global n = 0;
 6event zeek_init()
 7    {
 8    Broker::peer("");
 9    }
11event do_write()
12    {
13    if ( n == 6 )
14        return;
16    Log::write(Test::LOG, [$msg = "ping", $num = n]);
17    ++n;
18    event do_write();
19    }
21event Broker::peer_added(endpoint: Broker::EndpointInfo, msg: string)
22    {
23    print "peer added", endpoint;
24    event do_write();
25    }
27event Broker::peer_lost(endpoint: Broker::EndpointInfo, msg: string)
28    {
29    terminate();
30    }
32event Test::log_test(rec: Test::Info)
33    {
34    print "wrote log", rec;
35    Broker::publish("zeek/logs/forward/test", Test::log_test, rec);
36    }

Note that logging events are only raised locally on the node that performs the Log::write and not automatically published to peers.

Distributed Data Stores

See base/frameworks/broker/store.zeek for an overview of the Broker data store API.

There are two flavors of key-value data store interfaces: master and clone.

A master data store can be cloned from remote peers which may then perform lightweight, local queries against the clone, which automatically stays synchronized with the master store. Clones cannot modify their content directly, instead they send modifications to the centralized master store which applies them and then broadcasts them to all clones.

Master stores get to choose what type of storage backend to use. E.g. In-memory versus SQLite for persistence.

Data stores also support expiration on a per-key basis using an amount of time relative to the entry’s last modification time.

 1redef exit_only_after_terminate = T;
 3global h: opaque of Broker::Store;
 4global expected_key_count = 4;
 5global key_count = 0;
 7# Lookup a value in the store based on an arbitrary key string.
 8function do_lookup(key: string)
 9    {
10    when ( local res = Broker::get(h, key) )
11        {
12        ++key_count;
13        print "lookup", key, res;
15        # End after we iterated over looking up each key in the store twice.
16        if ( key_count == expected_key_count * 2 )
17            terminate();
18        }
19    # All data store queries must specify a timeout
20    timeout 3sec
21        { print "timeout", key; }
22    }
24event check_keys()
25    {
26    # Here we just query for the list of keys in the store, and show how to
27    # look up each one's value.
28    when ( local res = Broker::keys(h) )
29        {
30        print "clone keys", res;
32        if ( res?$result )
33            {
34            # Since we know that the keys we are storing are all strings,
35            # we can conveniently cast the result of Broker::keys to
36            # a native Bro type, namely 'set[string]'.
37            for ( k in res$result as string_set )
38                do_lookup(k);
40            # Alternatively, we can use a generic iterator to iterate
41            # over the results (which we know is of the 'set' type because
42            # that's what Broker::keys() always returns).  If the keys
43            # we stored were not all of the same type, then you would
44            # likely want to use this method of inspecting the store's keys.
45            local i = Broker::set_iterator(res$result);
47            while ( ! Broker::set_iterator_last(i) )
48                {
49                do_lookup(Broker::set_iterator_value(i) as string);
50                Broker::set_iterator_next(i);
51                }
52            }
53        }
54    # All data store queries must specify a timeout.
55    # You also might see timeouts on connecting/initializing a clone since
56    # it hasn't had time to get fully set up yet.
57    timeout 1sec
58        {
59        print "timeout";
60        schedule 1sec { check_keys() };
61        }
62    }
64event Broker::peer_added(endpoint: Broker::EndpointInfo, msg: string)
65    {
66    print "peer added";
67    # We could create a clone early, like in zeek_init and it will periodically
68    # try to synchronize with its master once it connects, however, we just
69    # create it now since we know the peer w/ the master store has just
70    # connected.
71    h = Broker::create_clone("mystore");
73    event check_keys();
74    }
76event zeek_init()
77    {
78    Broker::listen("");
79    }
 1redef exit_only_after_terminate = T;
 3global h: opaque of Broker::Store;
 5global ready: event();
 7event Broker::peer_lost(endpoint: Broker::EndpointInfo, msg: string)
 8    {
 9    terminate();
10    }
12event zeek_init()
13    {
14    h = Broker::create_master("mystore");
16    local myset: set[string] = {"a", "b", "c"};
17    local myvec: vector of string = {"alpha", "beta", "gamma"};
18    Broker::put(h, "one", 110);
19    Broker::put(h, "two", 223);
20    Broker::put(h, "myset", myset);
21    Broker::put(h, "myvec", myvec);
22    Broker::increment(h, "one");
23    Broker::decrement(h, "two");
24    Broker::insert_into_set(h, "myset", "d");
25    Broker::remove_from(h, "myset", "b");
26    Broker::push(h, "myvec", "delta");
28    Broker::peer("");
29    }

Note that all data store queries must be made within Zeek’s asynchronous when statements and must specify a timeout block.

Cluster Framework Examples

This section contains a few brief examples of how various communication patterns one might use when developing Zeek scripts that are to operate in the context of a cluster.

A Reminder About Events and Module Namespaces

For simplicity, the following examples do not use any modules/namespaces. If you choose to use them within your own code, it’s important to remember that the event and schedule dispatching statements should always use the fully-qualified event name.

For example, this will likely not work as expected:

module MyModule;

export {
    global my_event: event();

event my_event()
    print "got my event";

event zeek_init()
    event my_event();
    schedule 10sec { my_event() };

This code runs without errors, however, the local my_event handler will never be called and also not any remote handlers either, even if Broker::auto_publish was used elsewhere for it. Instead, at minimum you would need change the zeek_init() handler:

event zeek_init()
    event MyModule::my_event();
    schedule 10sec { MyModule::my_event() };

Though, an easy rule of thumb to remember would be to always use the explicit module namespace scoping and you can’t go wrong:

module MyModule;

export {
    global MyModule::my_event: event();

event MyModule::my_event()
    print "got my event";

event zeek_init()
    event MyModule::my_event();
    schedule 10sec { MyModule::my_event() };

Event types that reside in the default namespace (such as zeek_init or connection_established) require no qualification, even when scheduled from inside a module. Don’t force qualification of such events by prefixing with GLOBAL::.

Note that other identifiers in Zeek do not have this inconsistency related to module namespacing, it’s just events that require explicitness.

Manager Sending Events To Workers

This is fairly straightforward, we just need a topic name which we know all workers are subscribed combined with the event we want to send them.

event manager_to_workers(s: string)
    print "got event from manager", s;

event some_event_handled_on_manager()
    Broker::publish(Cluster::worker_topic, manager_to_workers,
                    "hello v0");

    # If you know this event is only handled on the manager, you don't
    # need any of the following conditions, they're just here as an
    # example of how you can further discriminate based on node identity.

    # Can check based on the name of the node.
    if ( Cluster::node == "manager" )
        Broker::publish(Cluster::worker_topic, manager_to_workers,
                        "hello v1");

    # Can check based on the type of the node.
    if ( Cluster::local_node_type() == Cluster::MANAGER )
        Broker::publish(Cluster::worker_topic, manager_to_workers,
                        "hello v2");

    # The run-time overhead of the above conditions can even be
    # eliminated by using the following conditional directives.
    # It's evaluated once per node at parse-time and, if false,
    # any code within is just ignored / treated as not existing at all.
@if ( Cluster::local_node_type() == Cluster::MANAGER )
        Broker::publish(Cluster::worker_topic, manager_to_workers,
                        "hello v3");

Worker Sending Events To Manager

This should look almost identical to the previous case of sending an event from the manager to workers, except it simply changes the topic name to one which the manager is subscribed.

event worker_to_manager(worker_name: string)
    print "got event from worker", worker_name;

event some_event_handled_on_worker()
    Broker::publish(Cluster::manager_topic, worker_to_manager,

Worker Sending Events To All Workers

Since workers are not directly connected to each other in the cluster topology, this type of communication is a bit different than what we did before since we have to manually relay the event via some node that is connected to all workers. The manager or a proxy satisfies that requirement:

event worker_to_workers(worker_name: string)
@if ( Cluster::local_node_type() == Cluster::MANAGER ||
      Cluster::local_node_type() == Cluster::PROXY )
        Broker::publish(Cluster::worker_topic, worker_to_workers,
        print "got event from worker", worker_name;

event some_event_handled_on_worker()
    # We know the manager is connected to all workers, so we could
    # choose to relay the event across it.
    Broker::publish(Cluster::manager_topic,  worker_to_workers,
                    Cluster::node + " (via manager)");

    # We also know that any given proxy is connected to all workers,
    # though now we have a choice of which proxy to use.  If we
    # want to distribute the work associated with relaying uniformly,
    # we can use a round-robin strategy.  The key used here is simply
    # used by the cluster framework internally to keep track of
    # which node is up next in the round-robin.
    local pt = Cluster::rr_topic(Cluster::proxy_pool, "example_key");
    Broker::publish(pt, worker_to_workers,
                    Cluster::node + " (via a proxy)");

Worker Distributing Events Uniformly Across Proxies

If you want to offload some data/work from a worker to your proxies, we can make use of a Highest Random Weight (HRW) hashing distribution strategy to uniformly map an arbitrary key space across all available proxies.

event worker_to_proxies(worker_name: string)
    print "got event from worker", worker_name;

global my_counter = 0;

event some_event_handled_on_worker()
    # The key here is used to choose which proxy shall receive
    # the event.  Different keys may map to different nodes, but
    # any given key always maps to the same node provided the
    # pool of nodes remains consistent.  If a proxy goes offline,
    # that key maps to a different node until the original comes
    # back up.
                         cat("example_key", ++my_counter),
                         worker_to_proxies, Cluster::node);

Broker-backed Zeek Tables for Data Synchronization and Persistence

Starting with Zeek 3.2, it is possible to “bind” a Zeek table to a backing Broker store. Changes to the Zeek table are sent to the Broker store. Similarly, changes of the Broker store are applied to the Zeek table.

This feature allows easy distribution of table contents across a cluster. It also offers persistence for tables (when using a persistent Broker store backend like SQLite).

To give a short example, to distribute a table over a cluster you can use the &backend attribute.

global t: table[string] of count &backend=Broker::MEMORY;

The &backend attribute creates a master data store on the manager and a clone data store on all other node on the cluster. This in essence means that the table exists twice in each Zeek process. One copy of the table is contained in a Broker data store (either a master or a clone depending on the node), which data store distributes the data across the cluster—and, depending on the backend, might also make the data persistent. Since Broker data stores are only accessible via asynchronous operations, and accessing them might not always be immediate, a second copy of the table, which is immediately accessible, is held inside the Zeek core. This is the copy that you see and interact with on the Zeek side.